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The Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible
Second extensively revised edition
Edited by Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking and Pieter W. van der Horst

The Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible is the single major work of reference on the gods, angels, demons, spirits and semi-divine heroes whose names occur in the biblical books. First published in 1995 and chosen by Choice as Best Reference Work of 1996, it is now republished in a new extensively revised edition.

30 entries appear for the first time in the new edition, while more than 100 others have been brought up to date with the latest state of research. Arranged in the order of the Latin alphabet, the more than four-hundred names are those found in the books of the Hebrew and the Greek Bible, Old and New Testament, including the Apocrypha. There are entries on divine names recognized as such by the biblical authors; divine names in theophoric toponyms and anthroponyms; secular terms which occur as divine names in neighbouring civilizations, conjectural divine names, at times based on textual emendation, proposed by modern scholarship; and humans who acquired a semi-divine status in tradition.

A typical entry contains a discussion of the pertinent name, its meaning, the religio-historical background, relevant biblical passages and an up-to-date bibliography. Owing to the comprehensive coverage of names and its religio-historical emphasis, the Dictionary of Deities and Demons provides crucial information concerning the spiritual world in which the Peoples of the Book have lived. Extensive indices and cross-references provide easy access to the rich information of the dictionary.

Dictionary of Deities and Demons is the fruit of a common effort of a group of more than a hundred international scholars from a variety of traditions. Chosen for their special competence, the contributors write about those deities or demons for which their research makes them eminently qualified. Acting as advisors are Hans Dieter Betz (Chicago), Andre Caquot (Paris), Jonas C. Greenfield (Jerusalem), Erik Hornung (Basel), Michael Stone (Jerusalem), and Manfred Weipert (Heidelberg). A Brill-Eerdmans co-publication; (0 8028 2491 9)

From the reviews of the 1st edition:

`This unique source is a grand scholarly achievement whose depth, breadth, and contemporaneity will make it useful to scholars and graduate students in religion and ancient cultures, Highly recommended for any library supporting programs in religion.'
D. Bourquin, Choice, 1996.

`...this is a fine work, and DDD will not fail to become a household term of scholars. The editors - and not to forget the publisher - can be congratulated on their achievement.'
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fur Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete, 1995.

`...an excellent resource on the religious background of the Bible...an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the religious background of the Bible.'
Rich Johnson, Southwestern Journal of Theology, 1998.

`It is an authoritative resource, an exhaustive catalog of super-natural beings whose names appear in the Bible (that is, the Hebrew Bible, The Septuagint, and the New Testament)...Recommended for academic collections...'
Craig W. Beard, Library Journal, 1999.

`Every serious student of the Bible and its ancient setting must have this important tool near his or her desk.?'
Internationale Zeitschriftenschau fur Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete, 1999.

`…magnificently produced…This work is invaluable for the beginning and competent reseracher.?'
Linda L. Lam-Easton, American Reference Books Annual, 2000.

Review in Review of Biblical Literature

Readership: This major reference work is indispensable for any student or scholar of the Hebrew and Christian Bible. It is also accessible to those with a general interest Religious Studies and the Ancient World.

Стоимость CD-ROM: 10 у.е.

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