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Hermeneia (40 volumes on CD-ROM)

Available soon for the first time in digital format, this highly respected commentary series from Augsburg Fortress is a must for every serious student of Scripture. With more than 17,000 pages spanning 40 volumes, the Hermeneia CD-ROM for Logos Bible Software offers a wealth of insight in a convenient format. You may not always agree with the commentators' conclusions but reading Hermeneia is a great way to become familiar with the latest thinking in biblical studies.

"These commentaries, for the foreseeable future will be the benchmark and reference point for all future work. The series offers the very best available."
—Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

Hermeneia is unique in its quality of scholarship, critical approach, and full-length commentary on selected non-canonical texts. The publisher describes Hermeneia as "a critical commentary series based upon the interpretation of the original texts of the biblical books and other literature closely related to the Bible."

Hermeneia is also known as a pricey addition to your library, with a number of volumes costing $90.00 each in print. The Logos price is the best opportunity you'll have to acquire these 40 volumes of commentary at bargain basement prices. $999.95 for 40 volumes works out to just $25.00 per volume! Ask around and you'll find that it's hard to buy even used copies of the print volumes for anything close to that price.

Designed for the serious student of the Bible, each volume in the Hermeneia series aims to lay bare the ancient meaning of a biblical work and utilizes the full range of philological and historical tools. The aim of each volume is to provide a full critical discussion of each problem of interpretation and the primary data upon which the discussion is based. The authors make full use of ancient Semitic and classical languages along with English translations of all comparative materials—Greek, Latin, Canaanite, or Akkadian.

"I seriously commend Hermeneia to all serious students of religion and theology."
— Vincent L. Wimbush, Claremont Graduate University

Anchored by a renowned board of editors, the monumental Hermeneia project has over the last 40 years produced some of the most authoritative and influential commentaries on the Bible in the English-speaking world.

Hermeneia is widely acclaimed for:

  • careful text-critical work by the leading scholars in the field
  • use of extra-biblical (Ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman) sources
  • fresh translations of the texts
  • bold yet authoritative interpretations

Crafted to be international and interconfessional, the selection of both authors and texts is broad and inclusive. When complete, the series will include commentaries for each book of the Old and New Testaments, as well as commentaries for important apocryphal and pseudepigraphical works (e.g., Fourth Ezra and The Shepherd of Hermas).

Additional Details

  • Hermeneia on CD-ROM: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Copyright dates: 1985-2006
  • Contains 40 volumes, including two out-of-print volumes and the as-yet-unpublished volume on Romans
  • Includes the text of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible in "hover" pop-ups


Q: What does "Hermeneia" mean?

A: The name Hermeneia has a rich background in the history of biblical interpretation as a term used in the ancient Greek-speaking world for the detailed, systematic exposition of a scriptural work. It is intended that the series, like its name, will carry forward this old and venerable tradition.

Q: What kind of commentary is Hermeneia?

A: The series is designed to be a critical and historical commentary to the Bible without arbitrary limits in size or scope. It utilizes the full range of philological and historical tools, including textual criticism, the methods of the history of tradition (including genre and prosodic analysis), and the history of religion.

Q: Who is the intended audience?

A: Hermeneia is designed for the serious student of the Bible. It makes full use of ancient Semitic and classical languages; at the same time, English translations of all comparative materials—Greek, Latin, Canaanite, or Akkadian—are supplied alongside the citation of the source in its original language. Insofar as possible, the aim is to provide the student or scholar with full critical discussion of each problem of interpretation and with the primary data upon which the discussion is based.

Q: What's with the book count? You say the electronic edition will have 40 volumes; the publisher says 38 volumes...

A: After the publisher printed their marketing materials, it was decided to add two out-of-print volumes to the collection. The two volumes added are The Johannine Epistles (Bultmann) and Joel and Amos (Wolff).

Benefits of the Electronic Edition

Hermeneia on CD-ROM captures the full text and apparatus of each volume and adds features that facilitate daily use in scholarship, teaching, and research, including:

  • fully searchable text of all Hermeneia volumes
  • hotlinks to the NRSV edition of the Bible (included)
  • capability for notetaking, bookmarking, and footnoting

Forty Old Testament, New Testament, and extracanonical volumes of this premier Bible commentary will be available on CD-ROM in an extremely useful, easy-to-use electronic format, powered by the Libronix Digital Library System. This includes all volumes published as of November 2006 and two out-of-print volumes which have been replaced in print by newer volumes. On the disc, you will get both the older and newer volumes! And as the series continues in print, we plan to release updated editions of the CD-ROM every two years at an "update only" price.

As a critical commentary series, Hermeneia includes many discussions of the original language texts, and plenty of references to standard lexicons such as BDAG and reference grammars such as BDF. In the electronic edition, you can double-click a Greek or Hebrew word to look it up in a lexicon you may own. And specific citations of lexicons, non-canonical texts, and other works in your library are hotspots...just click to open up the cited work to the passage or article cited!

Praise for the Print Editions

"Hermeneia must be regarded as the premier biblical commentary series in the English-speaking world today. While some other biblical commentary series have suffered from the uneven quality of the contributions, the individual volumes of Hermeneia are notable for their uniformly high caliber. The quality of scholarship throughout is first-rate. The Hermeneia commentaries have set a standard of excellence in biblical interpretation that future series will be hard-pressed to meet?"
—Michael L. Barre, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly

"Hermeneia is offered to us just at the right moment, just as scholarship has reached a summation of a whole period of critical reflection. These commentaries, for the foreseeable future will be the benchmark and reference point for all future work. The series offers the very best available."
—Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

"The Hermeneia commentaries are an excellent series, featuring many notable twentieth-century biblical scholars. Taken together Hermeneia represents some of the best recent biblical scholarship...I have no hesitation in recommending them for students."
—Morna D. Hooker, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Divinity

"Hermeneia is the great and successful enterprise to link together European and American exegetical traditions, methods, and insights. It is a must in every theological study in Europe."
—Eckart Otto, University of Munich

"Hermeneia has established itself as one of the leading international technical commentary series. The depth and breadth of the various authors' grasp both of historical context and of contemporary literature make the volumes an unsurpassed resource for background, informing critique, insightful exegesis, and often stimulating exposition. Serious students of biblical texts will want to consult Hermeneia and where possible to have the relevant volumes close to hand."
—James D. G. Dunn, University of Durham

"For the study of both the Old and the New Testament the Hermeneia series has made its mark. The series should be welcomed by all scholars, students, pastors, and educated layfolk who are eager to learn more about the meaning of the Word of God."
—Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., The Catholic University of America, Emeritus

"The Hermeneia commentary series is a distinguished contribution to New Testament scholarship. Some of its earlier volumes represent classic positions that must be taken into account by all other interpreters. The newer volumes enrich the usefulness of the series for serious scholars."
—Luke Timothy Johnson, Emory University

"The Hermeneia series has established itself among the most useful tools available for biblical research, whether by professionals or by laypersons. These commentaries present solid scholarship...fresh, even venturesome interpretations...the books are a pleasure to use."
—Wayne A. Meeks, Yale University, Emeritus

Electronic Books Included

Old Testament

1 Chronicles

  • by Ralph W. Klein (Author)
  • 512 pages | May 15, 2006

This commentary takes full advantage of recent advances in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often ascribed to the Chronicler came in fact from the divergent copy of the canonical books he was rewriting. Klein brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler and demonstrates there have been far fewer secondary additions to the text than is normally assumed.

"A lifetime studying Chronicles comes to its full fruition in this comprehensive commentary on a biblical book that is often overlooked. Klein's deep penetration into the text and meaning of Chronicles is unexcelled in the English language and provides the reader of the book all that he or she needs to understand and expound the meaning of the text. It will be the standard against which other commentaries on Chronicles are measured for years to come."
— Patrick D. Miller, Princeton Theological Seminary

Psalms 2

  • by Frank Lothar Hossfeld (Author); Erich Zenger (Author); Klaus Baltzer (Editor); Linda M. Maloney (Translator)
  • 580 pages | June 2005

This newest contribution to the acclaimed Hermeneia series provides in-depth analysis of Psalms 51–100. It is volume 2 of a three-volume work; volume 3 (Psalms 101–150) will come next, followed by volume 1 (Psalms 1–50), which will include the comprehensive introduction.


  • by Thomas Kruger (Author); Klaus Baltzer (Editor); Jr. O. C. Dean (Translator)
  • 320 pages | May 2004

Qoheleth presents a special challenge not only for professional commentators but also for 'normal' readers of the Hebrew text (or a modern translation). . . . Most people in modern Western industrial societies . . . can relate without great difficulty to the reflections of the book of Qoheleth on work and rest or on behavior vis-a-vis those in power, and they can understand these reflections in terms of their own experiences. Nonetheless, the way in which these and other themes are handled in Qoheleth is a little puzzling. The fact that the book . . . reveals no clear organization and no overall progression of ideas may be accepted as a literary peculiarity and perhaps even strike one as interesting. Yet when one finds on various themes many statements that are highly contradictory in both the broad and the narrow context, one begins to ask what could be the point of this book and what is the purpose expressed in it. The present commentary seeks to help answer these questions.

The Song of Songs

  • by Roland E. Murphy (Author); S. Dean McBride Jr. (Editor)
  • 264 pages | August 1990

Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song's exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative in the development of Jewish and Christian exposition. Murphy examines the literary character and structure of the Song, aspects of its composition and style, and its meaning and theological significance.

Deutero-Isaiah: Chapters 40-55

  • by Klaus Baltzer (Author); Peter Machinist (Editor); Margaret Kohl (Translator)
  • 632 pages | January 2001

Isaiah 40–55 in dramatic voice

Deutero-Isaiah's work, which comprises Isaiah chapters 40–55, has exerted its influence on testimonies of faith in both Jewish and Christian tradition down to the present day.

Baltzer's magnificent commentary places the document in the new context after the Exile. The experience of catastrophe, the need to grapple with new problems, and hope for a peaceful future are linked in Deutero-Isaiah's composition. The work aims to establish accord between adherents of the Jacob/Israel tradition on the one hand and those committed to the Zion/Jerusalem tradition on the other — the background being the tensions between the exiles and the people who had remained on the land.

Along with masterful presentation of the book's themes, Baltzer also develops a creative hypothesis about the work's genre, identifying it as a "liturgical drama" in six acts, which makes it possible to understand the text's function in worship and its significance as a literary text of supreme artistry for a non

Jeremiah 1

  • by William L. Holladay (Author); Paul D. Hanson (Editor)
  • 682 pages | January 1986

Holladay's English rendering translates identical words and phrases consistent, and compares the parallel passages which are a prominent feature of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 2: Chapters 26-52

  • by William L. Holladay (Author); Paul D. Hanson (Editor)
  • 544 pages | January 1989

Includes a full introduction, which deals with the development of the text and the literary development from the earlist dictated scrolls to its final form.

Ezekiel 1: Chapters 1-24

  • by Walther Zimmerli (Author); Leonard Jay Greenspoon (Editor); Ronald E. Clements (Translator)
  • 560 pages | January 1988

This book will become one of the classic works on Ezekiel. It is so thorough that it will be most useful to the scholar and serious students.

Ezekiel 2: Chapters 25-28

  • by Walther Zimmerli (Author); Leonard Jay Greenspoon (Editor); Paul D. Hanson (Editor); James D. Martin (Translator)
  • 640 pages | January 1988

A major achievement . . . An essential tool for any serious study of Ezekiel.


  • by John J. Collins (Author)
  • 500 pages | February 1994

The most comprehensive English-language commentary on Daniel in 65 years. Collins situates the Old Testament in its historical context and offers a full explanation of the text, especially its religious imagery.

"The authors represent not only the best scholarship of our period but they also have the kind of interpretive energy and creativeness that will influence significantly the whole field of biblical studies and the study of religion in this country and elsewhere."
-- Amos N. Wilder, The Divinity School, Harvard University, Emeritus


  • by Hans Walter Wolff (Author); Paul D. Hanson (Editor); Gary Stansell (Translator)
  • 260 pages | January 1988

A fascinating commentary on one of the most difficult of the Old Testament prophets.

Joel and Amos

  • by Hans Walter Wolff (Author); Waldemar Janzen (Translator); S. Dean McBride, Jr. (Editor & Translator); Charles A. Muenchow (Translator)
  • 392 pages | 1977

From the preface: "Joel and Amos lie adjacent to one another in the canon. They mark the beginning and and end of written prophecy. The book of Amos is the earliest prophetic work at least a portion of whose written traditions derives from the prophet himself, while the book of Joel was apparently a literary composition from the outset. Amos was the first to proclaim the somber Day of Yahweh, while Joel systematically developed the theme of the Day of Yahweh as a message of judgment as well as of salvation for Israel."


  • by Shalom M. Paul (Author)
  • 440 pages | July 1990

Makes extensive use of ancient Near Eastern sources, and employs medieval Jewish exegesis along with modern Israeli biblical scholarship.


  • by Delbert R. Hillers (Author); Paul D. Hanson (Editor)
  • 116 pages | January 1988

With refreshing respect for the reader, Hillers lays out the evidence for his case cautiously and asks the readers to form their own decisions . . . He very sensitively explicates the many figures of speech and collects a most helpful set of biblical passages which illuminate the text. His skill in saying much in a few, well- chosen words is impressive.


  • by Marvin A. Sweeney (Author); Paul D. Hanson (Editor)
  • 250 pages | September 2003

The Book of Zephaniah poses a full range of interpretive and hermenutical issues for the modern reader. Sweeney’s keen reading of this small, prophetic book opens new doors for Hebrew Bible research. He situates the reading of Zephaniah in the early sixth century b.c.e. rather than the late seventh century b.c.e.

Sweeney’s interpretation pays close attention to the often subtle differences between the Masoretic Text, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Peshitta, and targums. His methodology includes form criticism, tradition history, and social history.

Key Features:

* Critical and historical commentary on this prophetic book of the Hebrew Bible
* Strong text-critical analysis
* Locates book in Israel's history and Ancient Near Eastern context

"In dialogue with recent interpreters, Sweeney draws sound and balanced conclusions about the rhetorical aim, literary form, and historical context of Zephaniah. His analysis is firmly grounded in a painstaking discussion of the philological issues, with excellent coverage of what the ancient versions imply for both textual criticism and the history of interpretation. For the foreseeable future, this commentary will provide an indispensable frame of reference for the scholarly discussion of this prophetic book."
— Michael H. Floyd, Professor of Old Testament, Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwes

New Testament

Matthew 8-20

  • by Ulrich Luz (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor); James E Crouch (Translator)
  • 646 pages | January 2001

This is the second of a three-volume commentary on the gospel of Matthew from Europe's leading Matthew scholar. Volume 1 Matthew 1-7 was previously published in the "Continental Commentaries" series. Luz’s commentary is especially noteworthy, not only for his incisive exegesis, but also his keen eye for the importance of the history of interpretation and his attention to the relevance of the New Testament for contemporary Christian ethics. This commentary includes excursuses on Son of David; Matthew’s Interpretation of the Parables; Peter in the Gospel of Matthew; and Son of Man.

Matthew 21-28

  • by Ulrich Luz (Author)
  • 726 pages | December 2005

In this third volume, Luz brings his superlative analysis of Matthew's Gospel to a close. He is renowned for both his discerning exegetical insights as well as his tracing of the effects the text has had throughout history—in theological argument, art, and literature. This final section provides in-depth treatment of Jesus' final days—his entry into Jerusalem, the Passion Narrative, and post-resurrection appearances.

Luke 1:1-9:50

  • by Francois Bovon (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor); Christine M. Thomas (Translator)
  • 480 pages | May 2002

This is the first of a three-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke, covering the birth narratives through the Galilean ministry of Jesus. The introduction covers the text-critical questions of the Gospel, as well as its canonization, language, structure, origin, and theological profile. Bovon argues that Luke is not a direct student of Paul, but represents a specific form of the Pauline school in the third generation of the churches. The author also treats how the Gospel was used in later generations: writers from the early church, the Middle Ages, and the Reformation. He includes excursuses on "The Virgin Birth and the History of Religions," "The Devil," "The Word of God," and "Forgiveness of Sins."

John 1: Chapters 1-6

  • by Ernst Haenchen (Author); Ulrich Busse (Editor); Robert W. Funk (Editor)
  • 344 pages | January 1988

Contains a number of valuable insights. The introductory material on Johannine criticism is some of the clearest exposition for students available anywhere.

John 2: Chapters 7-21

  • by Ernst Haenchen (Author); Ulrich Busse (Editor); Robert W. Funk (Editor)
  • 384 pages | January 1988

Contains a number of valuable insights. The introductory material on Johannine criticism is some of the clearest exposition for students available anywhere.

Acts of the Apostles

  • by Hans Conzelmann (Author); Eldon Jay Epp (Editor); A Thomas Kraabel (Translator); James Limburg (Translator)
  • 288 pages | January 1988

Filled with compact, almost aphoristic observations about the text, its background, and its theology. Its insight should sustain its value for a full generation.


  • by Robert Jewett (Author); Eldon Jay Epp (Editor)
  • 1000 pages | November 2006

Deeply conversant in the full range of questions and interpretations of the letter, Jewett's commentary explores the crucial and controverted passages that have always animated studies of Romans. Jewett also incorporates the exciting new insights from archaeology of the city of Rome, social history of early Christianity, social-scientific work on early Christianity, and the interpretation and reception of Paul's letter through the ages.

Breaking free from abstract approaches that defend traditional theologies, Jewett shows that the entire letter aims to elicit support for Paul's forthcoming mission to the "barbarians" in Spain. His work specifically focuses on Paul's missionary plans and how they figure in the letter, on Paul's critical and constructive tack with the Roman community, and finally and especially on how Paul's letter reframes the entire system of honor and shame as it informed life in the Roman Empire at the time. The latter remains a pertinent message today. The first commentary to interpret Romans within the imperial context as well as in the light of the situation in Spain, this landmark commentary, twenty-five years in the making, will set the standard for interpretation of Romans for the next generation.

1 Corinthians

  • by Hans Conzelmann (Author); George W. MacRae S.J. (Editor); James W. Leitch (Translator)
  • 324 pages | January 1988

Will bring to serious students . . ., as well as pastors and ministers, the critical guide needed for their biblical work.

2 Corinthians 8 and 9

  • by Hans Dieter Betz (Author); George W. MacRae S.J. (Editor)
  • 180 pages | January 1985

In a fresh examination [of 2 Corinthians] what is needed first is a detailed and careful analysis of the chapters in order to find out whether they in fact can be related to letter categories known from other ancient epistolary literature, that is, whether their literary form, internal composition, argumentative rhetoric, and function can be shown to be that of independent epistolary fragments. The present study provides such an analysis of 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. This analysis is in most represents the first such attempt, but it is certainly not intended to be the last word on the subject. Sufficient evidence is provided to support the conclusions, so that quick reactions of mere agreement or disagreement, a mere embrace or indignation, will be avoided. The challenge to the serious students of the New Testament is to sustain a developed scientific argument.
-- from the Forward and Preface


  • by Hans Dieter Betz (Author)
  • 352 pages | January 1989

Betz exhibits a massive control of the literature on Galatians and especially of the ancient literatuer relevant for understanding it. He has a gently rigorous way of demolishing fanciful and unsupported exegesis of the past while still taking clear positions on controversial issues.

Colossians and Philemon

  • by Edward Lohse (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor); Robert J. Karris (Translator); William R. Poehlmann (Translator)
  • 234 pages | January 1988

Lohse gives the reader solid interpretation and access to other scholars' efforts.

The Pastoral Epistles

  • by Hans Conzelmann (Author); Martin Dibelius (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor); Philip Buttolph (Translator); Adela Yarbro (Translator)
  • 176 pages | January 1989

There are many English commentaries on these letters, but none so replete with quotations (some quite extensive) from extra-biblical materials, whether Hellenistic, Jewish, or Christian, that bear on the linguistic and conceptual problems the letters contain.


  • by Harold W. Attridge (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor)
  • 438 pages | January 1989

The first major and comprehensive English-language commentary on Hebrews in over fifty years. Presents a balanced and richly documented interpretation.


  • by Martin Dibelius (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor); Michael A. William (Translator)
  • 286 pages | January 1988

A distinguished contribution to New Testament scholarship
. . . Represents a classic position that must be taken into account by all other interpreters.

1 Peter

  • by Paul J. Achtemeier (Author); Eldon Jay Epp (Editor)
  • 464 pages | July 1996

This commentary, the fruit of years of research, is a gold-mine for clergy and an indispensable resource for students and scholars. Achtemeier . . . brings to this text his characteristic mastery of scholarship, theological insight and balanced judgment.

The Johannine Epistles

  • by Rudolf Bultmann (Author); R. Philip O'Hara (Translator); Lane C. McGaughy (Translator); Robert W. Funk (Editor & Translator)
  • 143 pages | 1973

A classic commentary on 1, 2, and 3 John from a well-known name in the field of biblical studies. Bultmann addresses issues of authorship and source criticism into his discussion of the epistles, largely siding with Haenchen and Schnackenburg.

The Johannine Letters

  • by Georg Strecker (Author)
  • 368 pages | January 1996

A scholarly treatment of the major literary, exegetical, and theological issues connected with the Johannine epistles, presented in a detailed and sustained fashion.

Other Works

The Apostolic Tradition

  • by Paul F. Bradshaw (Author); Maxwell E. Johnson (Author); L. Edward Phillips (Author); Harold W. Attridge (Editor)
  • 282 pages | October 2002

"The anonymous early church order that became known as the Apostolic Tradition and conventionally attributed to Hippolytus of Rome has generated enormous scholarly discussion since its discovery in the nineteenth century. Surprisingly, however, there has never before been a comprehensive commentary on it such as there is for other patristic works. We have here attempted to remedy this defect, and at the same time we have offered the first full synoptic presentation in English of the various witnesses to its text. We have also taken the opportunity to develop our argument that it is neither the work of Hippolytus nor of any other individual. Instead, we believe that it is a composite document made up of a number of layers and strands of diverse provenance and compiled over a period of time, and therefore not representing the practice of any one Christian community."
— from the Preface

This Hermeneia volume provides an important contribution to New Testament research as well as the study of the patristic era.

The Didache

  • by Kurt Niederwimmer (Author); Harold W. Attridge (Editor)
  • 318 pages | November 1998

One hundred twenty-five years ago, Philotheos Bryennios discovered the text of the Didache in an eleventh-century manuscript version. In 1883 he edited the manuscript for publication, and its special fascination for scholars remains undiminished. One of the oldest extracanonical Christian documents, the Didache's origins can be traced to the first century. It is apparently a catechism, intended to provide basic instruction in the Christian lifestyle and worship for persons preparing for baptism.

The Didache exhibits fascinating echoes of Jesus' teaching in its Matthean form, along with rare glimpses into the life of an early Christian community--its values, its observance of the Eucharist, its leaders, and the character of its hope.

Niederwimmer's wonderful commentary is a model of clarity and learning and a splendid addition to this premier commentary series.

"This excellent commentary on the Didache finally makes Niederwimmer's scholarly German work available to an English-speaking audience. Niederwimmer reveals extensive research and solid scholarship...He carefully explicates the text's four major sections: baptismal catechesis, liturgy, church order, and eschatology...It would be especially effective for teaching a class concerning sacramental meals, rituals, and church order in the early Christian communities."
—Interpretation, vol. 53, 1999

1 Enoch 1: Chapters 1-36; 81-108

  • by George W. E. Nickelsburg (Author); Klaus Baltzer (Editor)
  • 662 pages | November 2001

The first exhaustive commentary on this work since 1773!

1 Enoch is one of the most intriguing books in the Pseudepigrapha (Israelite works outside the Hebrew canon). It was originally written in Aramaic and is comprised of several smaller works, incorporating traditions from the three centuries before the Common Era. Employing the name of the ancient patriach Enoch, the Aramaic text was translated into Greek and then into Ethiopic. But as a whole, it is a classic example of revelatory (apocalyptic) literature and an important collection of Jewish literature from the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

This volume represents the culmination of three decades' work on the Book of 1 Enoch for Nickelsburg. He provides detailed commentary on each passage in chapters 1-36 and 81-108, and an introduction to the full work. The introduction includes sections on overviews of each of the smaller collections, texts and manuscripts, literary aspects, worldview and religious thought, the history of ideas and social contexts, usage in later Jewish and Christian literatures, and a survey of the modern study of the book. (Volume 2 will cover chapters 37-80 and will be written by Nickelsburg and James VanderKam.)

Fourth Ezra

  • by Michael Edward Stone (Author); Frank Moore Cross (Editor)
  • 520 pages | November 1990

Fourth Ezra is a magnificent commentary, the definitive and standard work for generations to come.

The Shepherd of Hermas

  • by Carolyn Osiek (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor)
  • 320 pages | July 1999

Extremely popular in its time, The Shepherd of Hermas is a second-century work often used for instruction of catechumens, and in fact, is widely regarded as scripture. In it Hermas, a rich freed slave whose wealth was not always lawfully obtained, undergoes and relates several visions (including one from an angel disguised as a shepherd), repents, and offers advice on Christian teaching and behavior.

Comprehensive and careful, Carolyn Osiek's is the only full-length commentary on "The Shepherd" in English. Hermas's revelations afford us glimpses of religious imagination, social world, and moral ideals among early second-century Romans.

Ignatius of Antioch

  • by William R. Schoedel (Author); Helmut Koester (Editor)
  • 306 pages | January 1985

This book belongs on the shelf of every minister who takes seriously the history and theology of the early church. Buy a copy—and read it.

The Critical Edition of Q

  • by Paul Hoffmann (Editor); John S. Kloppenborg (Editor); James M. Robinson (Editor)
  • 690 pages | November 2000

A major new resource on the text and traditions of the Sayings Gospel.

The existence of Q (simply defined as the non-Markan material common to Matthew and Luke) as a document in the earliest churches was first hypothesized by C. H. Weisse in 1838. The existence, character, and significance of Q as a document from primitive Christianity has further been developed since then by numerous scholars, including the two groundbreaking Fortress Press books by John S. Kloppenborg: The Formation of Q (1987) and Excavating Q (2000).

Q remains a subject of heated debate. The Q material consists mainly of sayings of Jesus, but begins with some sayings of John the Baptist. For the most part narratives are missing; most conspicuously of all is the Passion Narrative.

The critical text edition includes an introduction; the running text of Q; new translations of Q in English, German, and French; the fully formatted Greek text of Q with parallels in Matthew, Luke, Mark, Gospel of Thomas, and other gospels wherever relevant; a concordance; and a bibliography.

This book is a cooperative venture between Fortress Press and Peeters Publishers (Leuven, Belgium). This also is the first volume of Hermeneia Supplements.


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