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A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Revised Edition

Author: Lust, Johan; Eynikel, Erik; Hauspie, Katrin
Publisher: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
Publication Date: 2003

The present work is aimed at a large group of scholars in many disciplines: students and specialists in the Old Testament and more specifically in the Septuagint, the New Testament, Intertestamental Literature, Patristics, Jewish Hellenism, and Greek linguistics. Its limited scope and its practical features make it more directly useful for students in these fields. On the other hand, its treatment of special cases as well as its bibliography should be of interest for more advanced scholars. The ideal user of the lexicon should have some knowledge of both Greek and Hebrew in order to understand the compact presentations of the cases in which the Greek differs or seems to differ from the Hebrew of the Masoretic text.

Стоимость CD-ROM: 10 у.е.

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