WEA Theological Resource Library, Version 2
The WEA Theological Resource Library, Version 2 includes 25 years of back
issues of the WEA journal, Evangelical Review of Theology, along with a
number of additional ministry resources.
Evangelical Review of Theology Journal (1977-2000)
- 79 Volumes Covering 23 Years; Index Volume
- Articles on OT, NT, Theology, Hermeneutics
- Book Reviews
- Authors Include John Stott, D.A. Carson, RC Sproul, Gordon Fee, J.I.
Packer and More
Teach Us To Pray: Prayer in the Bible and the World; Edited by Dr. D.A.
- Prayer in the OT Outside the Psalms
- Prayer in the Psalms
- A Biblical Theology of Prayer
- Prayer in the Gospels and Acts
- Prayer in Paul's Writings
- Prayer in the General Epistles
- Prayer in the Book of Revelation
- The Puritan's Prayer Life
- The Challenge to Pray
Right With God: Justification in the Bible and the World; Edited by Dr. D.A.
- The Biblical Doctrine of Justification By Faith
- Justification in Pauline Thought
- Justification in the Epistle of James
- Justification and Roman Catholicism
- Justification and Christian Living
Worship: Adoration and Action; Edited by Dr. D.A. Carson
- Presents a Biblical Theology of Worship
- Reviews the Pattern of Worship of the Reformation Period
- Considers Worship Practices in Various Parts of the World
- Provides a Systematic Theology of Worship
Biblical Interpretation and the Church; Edited by Dr. D.A. Carson
- The Church and the Kingdom of God
- The Church in the Gospel of Matthew
- Interpreting Biblical Models of the Church
- Authors Include R.T. France, D.A. Carson, P.T. O'Brien
The Church in the Bible and the World; Edited by Dr. D.A. Carson
- A Biblical Theology of the Church
- Worship in the New Testament Church
- Ministry in the New Testament
- The Church and Persecution
This We Believe: The Good News of Jesus Christ for the World (Special
Pastor's Edition)
This We Believe is a exposition of the Gospel based on the statement,
УThe Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical CelebrationФ which is a detailed
statement of our understanding of the Gospel. Each of the twelve chapters
cover a key theme of Christian truth (such as sin, salvation, Jesus Christ,
heaven, etc - see below) written by a leading evangelical Christian,
designed to help us all understand and live out the gospel today. Each
chapter also contains an inspiring personal story of the power of the Gospel
drawn from the church around the globe.
This special УPastorТs EditionФ contains congregational resources (keyed to
each chapter), including sermon outlines, interactive worship suggestions,
and Bible study materials. The sermon material (one for each of chapters of
the book) has been prepared so that it is "thoroughly biblical theologically
sound, and deeply practical". The sermon outlines are complete and detailed,
with illustrations; there are also suggestions for music (traditional and
contemporary), prayers, dramas, responsive readings, small group discussion
- Does My Life Have Any Meaning (Ravi Zacharias)
- Doing It My Way: Are We Born Rebels? (Dr. J.I. Packer)
- Jesus Christ: Who Do We Say That He Is? (Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer)
- Am I Not Good Enough? Why Jesus Had to Die for My Sins (Dr. Scott
- Did Jesus Christ Really Rise from the Dead? (Dr. Thomas Oden)
- Being a Christian: What Difference Does it Make? (Ajith Fernando,
- Power for Christian Living: Am I On My Own? (Maxie Dunnam, President
of Asbury Seminary)
- Is This Life All There Is? Why Heaven is Worth the Wait (Joni
Eareckson Tada)
- Does the World Really Need to Hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ? (Tite
- How Can I Share My Faith with Others? (Lee Strobel)
- The Evangelical Family: Its Blessings and Boundaries (Joseph Stowell)
- The Big Picture: Does God Have a Plan for the World? (Dr. Timothy
This Special Pastor's Edition Also Includes:
- Congregational Resources Keyed to Each Chapter
- Sermon Outlines
- Interactive Worship Suggestions
- Bible Study Materials
- Sermon Illustrations
- Suggestions for Music, Prayer, Responsive Readings
- Designed to be Biblical, Theological, and Practical
- ASV, KJV with Apocrypha
- Strong's Numbers
- French Bible
- Dutch Bible
- Portuguese Bible
- Arabic Bible
- Training of the Twelve (A.B. Bruce)
- Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary
- Matthew Henry Concise Commentary
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Bible History OT by Alfred Edersheim (7 Vols.)
- Historic Creeds and Confessions
- Schaff's History of the Christian Church (8 Vols.)
- Selected Sermons of George Whitefield
- Sermons on Several Occasions by John Wesley
WEA Task Force Report:
- A Contemporary Evangelical Perspective on Roman Catholicism
- Una Perspectiva Evangelica Contemporanea del Catolicismo
WEA Outreach and Identity Series:
- An Evangelical Response to Confessing the One Faith
- Sharing the Good News with the Poor
- Evangelical Christianity and the Environment
- The Unique Christ in Our Pluralistic World
- Toward a Theology of Theological Education
- Karl Barth's Theology of Mission
WEA Commissioned Books:
- Kingdom Partnerships for Synergy in Missions
- Send Me! Your Journey to the Nations
- The Dream That Would Not Die: The Birth and Growth of the World
Evangelical Alliance
- People of the Mandate: The History of WEA by W. Harold Fuller
- Global Crossroads: Focusing the Strength of Local Churches
—тоимость CD-ROM: 10 у.е. |